- Networking opportunities with investment networks
- New company establishment award
- Online training and mentorship support by Bursa Technical University Technology Transfer
Office (including Project
Preparation Mentorship and Effective Presentation Training)
- Patent application support from Starker Patent
- Professional coaching/mentorship support provided by BUTEKOM General Manager Murat KURTLAR,
available for up to 3
sessions within 1 year
- Pen Software Awards
- Participation in the BİGG ULUKOZA acceleration program by Bursa Uludağ University Technology
Transfer Office, under
TÜBİTAK 1512 Individual Young Entrepreneur Program. This includes training and mentorship
services for 3 selected
participants to qualify for grant support.
(*) These awards will be provided if the entrepreneur, academician, or team meets the required
Criteria for TÜBİTAK 1512 Support
Applicants must meet the following
criteria by the program's pre-application date:
- Be enrolled in any associate, undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral program at a university.
- Be a graduate of an associate, undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral program and meet the
specified conditions.
- Must not have previously received support under the Ministry of Industry and Technology’s
Capital Support or the 2nd Phase of the TÜBİTAK 1512 Program.
- Must not be part of any company’s partnership structure as of the pre-application date.